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Angela Kouris » Posts


Spanish Class Supply List

  • One three-ring binder for Spanish class materials only, divided into four sections. 
  1. Práctica (for warm up activities, class notes, and in class practice exercises), 
  2. Vocabulary (for chapter Vocabulary which will be completed and turned in at the end of each chapter on exam day for 30 points),
  3. Tarea (for homework assignments that are not in the workbook),
  4. Papeles Viejos (any completed work that is graded and returned to you). Everything should be neatly organized and hole-punched.
  • A one-subject notebook or equivalent amount of paper for your Práctica (notes and activities) sections of your binder.
  • Pens (red & blue/black), pencils, highlighter
  • ** Strongly recommended: a Spanish/English pocket-sized dictionary, glue stick, markers/colored pencils/or crayons.

Some Spanish Resources to check out

Here are some suggestions for students to keep up with Spanish during this time:

  1. Duolingo (free app on phone)
  2. Roseta Stone (have already posted in Teams - Files - read and follow directions if interested)
  3. Hoy Hablamos (Free podcast super fun and interesting - lower levels can listen to it in slower pace)
  4. News in Slow Spanish (Free podcast same as above)
  5. Kahoot
  6. Quizlet
  7. Señor Jordan on YouTube
  8. Tio spanish on YouTube
  9. Basho and friends on YouTube
  10. LunaCreciente on Youtube for younger children (6th grade)
  11. A Tiempo Preescolar on Youtube for younger children (6th grade)
  12. Comprehensible Spanish on youtube
  13. NachoTime Spanish on youtube
  14. Learn Spanish with Habla videos 
  15. Butterfly Spanish on youtube
  16. The Spanish Dude on youtube

There are obviously a ton more resources such as Netflix movies and shows in Spanish, youtube programs, radio etc.

Please feel free to check out any of the above as well as do your own research and find something that is fun and accessible to you at this time.


¡Buena suerte a todos!

¡¡¡Abrazos fuertes!!!


Submitting work in Teams - Assignments

My dear students,
For any Assignment that I have posted under Assignments PLEASE upload the word doc or the picture in the Assignment itself.  I would like for all of you to become comfortable with submitting the work within the assignment itself, instead of emailing me or messaging me the work. It is way more organized this way and I am not finding myself receiving 300 emails a day.......
Thank you guys!
Stay safe!!!!

How to turn in Spanish Assignments from Textbook/workbook

My dear students,
With the uncertainty of the times we are experiencing I think I would like to make a change on how you are submitting your work.  I had originally told you that certain things can be turned in after break in person, but I think it is better and I would appreciate it if you could start taking pictures/screen shots of any assignments that are not already electronic and submit to me in Teams or by email.  If you prefer you could simply create word documents titled the textbook activity or the CMP pages and activities and just submit this way.
This way I can really keep track of your progress and keep posting your points in Aeries, instead of waiting for after break to have you "hand in" your work.
Teams is way better and organized than email, but if you absolutely have to email me your work please make sure that you include first and last name, class and period so I can quickly give you credit.
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe!
Thank you & Love you all,

QUIZ SALUDOS due 3/19 @ 3pm

QUIZ SALUDOS due 3/19 @ 3pm
Go to Teams, Assignments and click on Quiz Saludos y Despedidas
Submit your quiz for credit
Quiz will be open until 3pm

SPN 1B EXAM U4 E3 OPEN today 3/17 Until 3pm

SPN 1B EXAM U4 E3 NOW OPEN Until 3pm
Students who missed the U4 E3 exam need to take it today for credit.
Exam sections will close at 3pm.
Thank you

SPN 2 Exam U3 E1 3/17 Information

Estimados estudiantes,
Su examen está en Teams - Assignments y voy a abrirlo mañana a las 8. Tienen hasta las 3 de la tarde para tomarlo.  Si necesitan pueden usar sus cuadernos (apuntes) para las secciones de gramática pero por favor no los usen para la sección de vocabulario.  No hay "Retakes".
*Remember each period open your exam in Teams - Assignments in your period or it won't show at my end and you won't receive credit.  


PLEASE stay in your period!
I am posting in each period respectively!


Dear students,
Please make sure that you are remaining in your existing period for Teams.  You DO NOT NEED to request a period change NOW, because I will continue to post in each period /level respectively.
Please REVIEW this important information regarding TEAMS - Office 365:
1.Please DO NOT request a period change in TEAMS now. Stay in your existing period that you have been using all this time with me in class.
*Intro to SPN students I know two of you were literally added to my roster Thursday 3/12 before we went on lockdown, but I have already ensured you are also members of SPN Intro 3rd Trimester class, so therefore you can also follow this information.
2. Please check in Teams - FILES for PP (Powerpoint) lesson plans for each day of this virtual school weeks.
3. Please return any work required in TEAMS or by email at: [email protected]
4. Work that does not get turned in during this time, will BE GRADED upon return to regular classroom, so PLEASE create a folder to collect all such items.
5. Please stay calm and know that I am working very hard to ensure that none of my classes stay behind due to the situation we are experiencing.  I am very flexible and understanding and my goal is to make these two weeks lesson plans as close to the lesson plans we would be following in class for this reason. 
6. If you have questions or need clarifications please know that my office hours are: Monday-Friday 10am to 12pm and at that time you can either email me
[email protected] or message me in Teams. 
7. Please remember that I am blessed to see 164 students each day, so BE PATIENT with me getting back to you and with yourself and remain calm.  We are in this together and we will get through this together!
I love you all, stay safe and healthy!

Information for Make up Exams

To all level students who might have missed their exam due to absence or the 8th grade movie:
Due to school closing if you were supposed to make up a test email me at [email protected] or message me in teams/chats.  We will speak about it there.

Important Announcement for ALL Spanish students

Queridos estudiantes de español,
I hope you are all safe and healthy! I am writing to you here to let you know of the plan for Spanish classes for the next two weeks.
As you all know from our discussions in class, I will continue to use Teams (Office 365), Edmodo and Edlio for our lessons, Powerpoints, links to Quizlets etc.
Levels 1, 2 and 1B will be using their textbook and workbook for assignments.
INTRO to SPN level will be following along with my Powerpoints, Quizlet posts and completing any assignments requested.
I will hold office hours Monday through Friday 10 am to 12 pm for any questions or clarifications by email at: [email protected] 
or in POSTS in your TEAMS
Please continue to check these platforms on a daily basis.
Thank you

Spanish Class Supply List 2019-2020

Spanish Class Supply List

  • One three-ring binder for Spanish class materials only, divided into four sections.
  1. Práctica (for warm up activities, class notes, and in class practice exercises),
  2. Vocabulary (for chapter Vocabulary which will be completed and turned in at the end of each chapter on exam day for 30 points),
  3. Tarea (for homework assignments that are not in the workbook),
  4. Papeles Viejos (any completed work that is graded and returned to you). Everything should be neatly organized and hole-punched.
  • A folder for any Handouts.
  • Pens (red & blue/black), pencils, highlighter
  • ** Strongly recommended: a Spanish/English pocket-sized dictionary, glue stick, markers/colored pencils/or crayons.

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español

Welcome to Spanish at Ridgecrest!

This is the location to find everything you need for Spanish! I will post power points, assignments, projects and test dates, etc.

Please feel free to email me should you have any questions at [email protected]

This school year will be a great one and I look forward to taking this journey through the Spanish language with you!

¡Muchas Gracias!
