Dear students,
Please make sure that you are remaining in your existing period for Teams.  You DO NOT NEED to request a period change NOW, because I will continue to post in each period /level respectively.
Please REVIEW this important information regarding TEAMS - Office 365:
1.Please DO NOT request a period change in TEAMS now. Stay in your existing period that you have been using all this time with me in class.
*Intro to SPN students I know two of you were literally added to my roster Thursday 3/12 before we went on lockdown, but I have already ensured you are also members of SPN Intro 3rd Trimester class, so therefore you can also follow this information.
2. Please check in Teams - FILES for PP (Powerpoint) lesson plans for each day of this virtual school weeks.
3. Please return any work required in TEAMS or by email at: [email protected]
4. Work that does not get turned in during this time, will BE GRADED upon return to regular classroom, so PLEASE create a folder to collect all such items.
5. Please stay calm and know that I am working very hard to ensure that none of my classes stay behind due to the situation we are experiencing.  I am very flexible and understanding and my goal is to make these two weeks lesson plans as close to the lesson plans we would be following in class for this reason. 
6. If you have questions or need clarifications please know that my office hours are: Monday-Friday 10am to 12pm and at that time you can either email me
[email protected] or message me in Teams. 
7. Please remember that I am blessed to see 164 students each day, so BE PATIENT with me getting back to you and with yourself and remain calm.  We are in this together and we will get through this together!
I love you all, stay safe and healthy!