Ch.2 Vocab words #1-8

***Remember to include 4 things: on your flashcards
1) Definition; 2) pg. # found in Freedom Walkers; 3) synonym or picture; 4) word used in a sentence of your own. 
1. Accustomed (adj): Customary, usual, habitual.
2. Spunky (adj): Spirited
3. Galvanized (v): To stimulate into activity
4. Agonized (adj): Involving or accompanied by severe struggle
5. Reproach (v): To find fault with a person, to be a cause of blame
6. Unassailable (adj): Not subject to attack, denial, or dispute
7. Scrutiny (n): A searching investigation including small details
8. Furor (n): General outburst of enthusiasm or controversy.